New Ad Campaign Targets Five House Dems Over Inflation

Inflation by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Pix4free

It’s pretty obvious now that Biden’s legacy in the White House has become synonymous with inflation… 

The dems have been pushing federal spending to its highest sustained levels since WWII. We’ve seen the rise in the prices of meat, energy, and other consumer goods.

This led our patriots to take action against the dem’s terrible leadership…

A conservative group led by former Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff, Marc Short launched a $100,000 ad campaign; Its goal is to target five dem House members to take action on the rising cost of consumer goods.

The “Coalition to Protect American Workers” is an organization that urges Congress to focus on good-paying jobs… and not create new taxes. They are the ones in charge of running the digital ads in the home districts of the five demo-rats who are in favor of Biden’s trillion-dollar spending plan. 

The dems who are being targeted include:

  • Stephanie Murphy of Florida
  • Ed Case of Hawaii
  • Jared Golden of Maine
  • Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey
  • Kurt Schrader of Oregon

The 30-second ad is available on Youtube. It shows an older man getting a cup of coffee.

It focuses on the issue of inflation with a short voiceover. The ad highlights Biden’s ignorance about our economy’s current status. It says, “Biden doesn’t understand just how bad inflation is hurting Americans. Gas, groceries, housing [are] all skyrocketing. Yet, Biden still pushes the massive spending plan that will cost trillions more than [he] claimed.”

Then the ad concluded, “If congressional Democrats don’t stop Biden and Pelosi’s plan, a lot of Americans won’t be able to pay their heating bills this winter.” It also showed the possible consequences for Americans… if the dems continue with their disastrous spending plan.

Short is doing a good strategy of spending their money by targeting the most vulnerable opposition’s incumbents… instead of targeting all dems at once.

According to Hill, the same five lawmakers were also targeted by a “Club for Growth” ad campaign. It was aimed to urge these demo-rats to go against the “Build Back Better Act.” Unfortunately, this bill was already approved last November.

However, despite the bill being approved… there’s still opposition against it. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) believes that the bill is not fully paid for. Instead, they argued that the legislation “would only raise the federal deficit by $367 billion over the next decade.”

A nonpartisan arbiter also reported that the dems’ trillion-dollar domestic spending bill “does not raise enough revenue to cover its cost.”

These statements show that the ad campaigns against the dems are not a waste of money. Short and our patriots are using their resources the right way.

They’re bringing awareness to everyone by sending a clear message that the dems can never be trusted… and that they will never make America great. As patriots, the best thing we can do is believe in their cause and act as one patriotic nation.

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